Install Crystal Wallet for Google Chrome and restore your wallet with the seed phrase. If you used Crystal Wallet for desktop with 24-word-seed before, choose the WalletV3 type of wallet.
After that, click “Select assets”, select WTON and save changes.

3. Go to WTON.IO and connect your wallet.
4. Now you can wrap your TONs! Just enter the amount of TON + 1 you want to convert to WTON. Click to «Submit» and confirm the transaction in Crystal Wallet.

5. Done! In a few seconds you will see WTON in your wallet.

5. To transfer WTON to Ethereum, just indicate the Ethereum address in the destination field, as you used to
Please note: if you do not see the WTON on your wallet, you can add this TIP3 token using this root contract address 0:0ee39330eddb680ce731cd6a443c71d9069db06d149a9bec9569d1eb8d04eb37